Civil Enforcement Ltd
Privacy Policy

Civil Enforcement Limited (“we’ or “us” or “our”) is committed to protecting your privacy. Our Privacy policy explains how we collect, use and protect information about you in the scenarios that are described in section 2 below. By taking any of the actions listed within that section, you agree that we may collect and use your information in the ways described in this privacy policy.

Topics covered in our privacy policy:

  • Who we are
  • How we collect information
  • What we use your information for
  • Sharing your information
  • Cookies and Traffic data
  • Your information
  • Changes to our privacy policy
  • Security and storage of information
  • Transfers outside Europe
  • Other Sites
  • Further Information

Who we are

We are a limited company registered in England and Wales under company number 05645677. Our registered office is at Horton House, Exchange Flags, Liverpool L2 3PF. We are registered on the Information Commissioner's Office Register of Data Controllers under registration number Z9389969. This registration covers all of our different business divisions.

For details of how to contact us, please refer to the Contact Us page.

How we collect information

    We will collect information from you if you:
  • register to use our website; this will include your name, address, email address and telephone number. We may ask you to provide additional information about your business and preferences on a voluntary basis
  • provide your vehicle registration number via one of our parking payment machines.
  • provide your vehicle registration number via one of our permit entry systems, this may include a web login, on-site portable entry system, phone based permit system.
  • complete online forms forms (including callback requests), take part in surveys, write posts on any message boards, post any blogs, enter any competitions or prize draws, download information such as white papers or other publications, or participate in any other interactive areas that appear on our website or which we offer to you from time to time.
  • provide your contact details to us when registering to use or accessing any product or service we provide (including any Apps we may offer).
  • contact us offline for example by telephone, fax, email or post.
  • visit or browse our website, this will include information about your website visit or use of our products or services using cookies or similar technologies (as described in section 5 below).
  • provide your contact details when using our web-based Parking Charge Notice appeals service, this will include your name, address, email address and telephone number.
  • provide your payment details when using our web-based or telephone based Parking Charge Notice payment service.

What we use your information for

    We use ANPR cameras and manual patrol attendants to manage and monitor vehicle use of the car parks we manage. In order to enforce any parking contract and/or protect legitimate interests, your personal data may be processed as follows:
  • passed to the DVLA to request Registered Keeper’s details to send a Parking Charge Notice(PCN).
  • shared with police or security organisations in order to detect or prevent crimes.

We may use your personal data for internal purposes such as auditing, data analysis, and research to improve our products, services, website, and customer communications.

Sharing your information

    We may share your information with:
  • Our payment card Payment Processor for processing any payments.
  • The British Parking Association (BPA) for the purpose of audit of our car park management service.
  • The DVLA for the purpose of audit of our car park management.
  • The Parking On Private Land Appeals (POPLA) Service for the purpose of assessing your appeal.
  • Print and mail service providers for the purpose of responding to your appeal by post.
  • Email service providers for the purpose of responding to your appeal by email.
  • Collection agents for the purpose of enforcing a parking contract.
  • Solicitors for the purpose of enforcing a parking contract or responding to a legal query.
  • Any other duly authorised sub-contractors.

We may pass collective information about the use of our website or our products or services to third parties but this will not include information that can be used to identify you.

We will disclose your information if we are required to by law. We may disclose your information to enforcement authorities if they ask us to, or to a third party in the context of actual or threatened legal proceedings, provided we can do so without breaching data protection laws.

Cookies and Traffic Data

Cookies are small text files which are transferred from our website, product or service and stored on your computer's hard drive. They are widely used in order to help websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide general usage information to the owners of the site. We're currently looking into making further improvements to our privacy policy and how cookies are managed on our website, so please check back here for updates.
There are different types of cookies

Session Cookies - We use session cookies on our websites and in some of our products or services to identify and track users and to remember what is in your shopping basket (where relevant) and we also use session cookies in the VSP Admin reporting system to remember customer information used to complete transactions through the VSP Terminal. Our session cookies may contain your customer account number, company name and email address. These session cookies are deleted when you close your browser or leave your session in the product or service.

Persistent Cookies - Persistent cookies enable our website, product or service to “remember who you are” and to remember your preferences on our website. Persistent cookies will stay on your computer or device after you close your browser or leave your session in the product or service.

Web analytics and similar services - Our website uses web analytics services. Web analytics cookies allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors and see how they move around the website, product or service. This helps us make our service to you better.

We also use cookies and similar software known as web beacons or pixels to count users who have visited our website after clicking through from one of our advertisements on another website or in emails and to collect details of any products purchased. These web beacons collect limited information which does not identify particular individuals. It is not possible to refuse the use of web beacons. However, because they are used in conjunction with cookies, you can effectively disable them by setting your browser to restrict or block cookies.

We keep a record of traffic data which is logged automatically by our server, such as your Internet Protocol (IP) address, the website that you visited before ours, the website you visit after leaving our site. We also collect some site, product and service statistics such as access rates, page hits and page views. We are not able to identify any individual from traffic data or site statistics.

Most web browsers allow some control to restrict or block cookies if you wish, however if you disable cookies you may find this affects your ability to use certain parts of our website, products or services. For more information about cookies and instructions on how to adjust your browser settings, see the Internet Advertising Bureau website

What cookies do we use?

Your information

    You have the right to make the following requests about personal data we may hold:
  • To inform you how and why it is processed; to give you access to it; rectify and incorrect information; to delete it; to restrict our use of it; to ask us to transfer a copy to a third party and object to our use of it.
  • Data protection law requires us to verify your identity before providing information, respond to your request and tell you why, if we do not agree with it.

If we hold any information about you which is incorrect or if there are any changes to your details please let us know so that we can keep our records accurate and up to date. If you would like to update your records or see a copy of the information that we hold about you, you can contact us at Data Protection Officer, Civil Enforcement Ltd, Horton House, Exchange Flags, Liverpool, L2 3PF or by email at If you request a copy of your information you will not need to pay any fee.

Changes to our privacy policy

We may change our privacy policy from time to time. We will always update the privacy policy on our website, so please try to read it when you visit the website.

Security and storage of information

We will keep your information secure by taking appropriate technical and organisational measures against its unauthorised or unlawful processing and against its accidental loss, destruction or damage.

Some communications sent over the internet, such as email, may not be secured unless they are encrypted. Although we do our best to monitor and improve how we protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your data which is transmitted to our website or other products and services via an internet or similar connection and any transmission of data to our site is at your own risk. We do however use secure connections in our payment pages.

If we have given you (or you have chosen) a password to access certain areas of our website, product or service please keep this password safe - we will not share this password with anyone.

Transfers outside Europe

Personal data in the European Union is protected by data protection laws but other countries do not necessarily protect your personal data in the same way. Our website and some of our products or services or parts of them may be hosted in the United States and this means that we may transfer any information which is submitted by you through the website, product or service outside the European Economic Area (which means all the EU countries plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) ("EEA") to the United States. When you send an email to us, this may be stored on email servers which are hosted in the United States, if we do this, we will take steps to ensure that our hosting provider uses the necessary level of protection for your information but if you do not want your information to be transferred outside the EEA you should not use our website, product or service or contact us via email.

Other Sites

If you follow a link from our website, product or service to another site or service, this policy will no longer apply. We are not responsible for the information handling practices of third party sites or services and we encourage you to read the privacy policies appearing on those sites or services.

Further Information

If you would like further information about data protection, or if you would like to view the register of Data Controllers, you can visit the Information Commissioner's site at

Thank you for visiting our website.